منتدى ثانوية عين الابل
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا
كنت عضو معنا او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو
وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
ادارة المنتدى

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتدى ثانوية عين الابل
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا
كنت عضو معنا او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو
وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
ادارة المنتدى
منتدى ثانوية عين الابل
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.


اذهب الى الأسفل

internet  Empty internet

مُساهمة من طرف محمد الخميس نوفمبر 03, 2011 3:40 pm

Internet [1], a system and a means of connection of computer networks that connects computers around the world united by the Protocol is a protocol for the Internet. Linking the Internet to the millions of private and public networks in academic and governmental institutions, businesses, and vary in scope between local and global, and related techniques are different, of copper wire and fiber optic and wireless links, and vary these networks in its internal technical and administrative, as managed in isolation from the other decentralized and does not rely on any of them run on the others.

With today's Internet a great deal of data and services, which is perhaps the most popular pages today's high-texts published on the web, as it carries the services and applications such as mail and other communication services, messaging, and file transfer protocols. And voice dialing, and others.

Like mutations in the means of communication throughout history have become the Internet today, social and cultural implications in all parts of the world, has led to change the traditional concepts of several such areas as employment, education, trade and the emergence of another form of the information society
History of the Internet

Internet emerged as a result of Erbantalve project was launched in 1969, a project of the U.S. Department of Defense. This project was established to assist the U.S. Army through the computer network linking universities and research institutions to exploit the optimal computational capabilities of computers available.

In the first of January 1983 and replaced the United States Department of Defense Protocol) NCP in force in the network and replaced it Bmeevaq package Moafik (protocols) the Internet. Of the things that contributed to the growth of the network is to link the "National Science Foundation" Universities United States to each other, which facilitated the process of communication between university students and exchange of electronic messages and information, to enter the universities to the grid, took the network in the expansion and progress and taken it college students contribute their knowledge and saw the light browser "Mosaic", and the researcher "Gopher" and "Archie," but rather that the giant company, "Netscape" is originally from the efforts of the students before they adopted the mind of trade and lead them to what it later. engineers Ahapkh (the Internet) are a factor in the success of the network where that the public and open for all to give any opinion. Without the Internet, I would sit at home and read this article and for its many large companies today that the quality of pain depends on providing services in the Internet. There developed a browser for the Web violawww, based on the hypercard. To the right web browser "Mosaic" MOSAIC. In 1993, the National Center for supercomputing applications at the University of Illinois has released version 1.0 of the MOSAIC "Mosaic", and by late 1994 there was a marked increase in the public interest in what was formerly paid to academics only. And by 1996 became Ahapkh use of the word has become common, and therefore, it was a cause of confusion in the use of the word Internet as a reference to the World Wide Web the Web.

In the meantime, over the decade, Internet use has increased steadily. During the nineties, it was estimated that Ahapkh has increased by 100% annually, with a brief period of explosive growth in 1996 and 1997. This growth is often due to the lack of central administration, which allows organic growth of the network, and also because of the property open to Moafik (protocols), the Internet, which encourages individuals and companies to develop Systems and sold it also prevents one company from exercising too much control over the network . Telecommunications companies have begun to provide service access isp on the Internet by the telephone network in (1995

Main article: e-mail
E-mail is the term used to send text messages between the groups in the electronic equivalent method to send messages and notebooks before the advent of the Internet. Even in the present day, it is important to differentiate between Internet e-mail and internal e-mail. After all, the Internet mail may be transmitted and stored in the form of non-encrypted networks and other devices outside the control of both the sender and receiver. During this period (the transition) is possible for the contents of the mail that reads and plays with them through a third party, if the mail was a measure of importance. Internal e-mail systems where data does not leave the company or enterprise networks, the most secure.
[Edit] World Wide Web
A lot of people use the terms Internet and World Wide Web (or Web only) that they are similar or the same thing. But in fact the two terms is synonymous. Internet is a collection of computer networks connected together by copper wire and fiber optic cables and wireless connections and so on. On the contrary, the web is a collection of documents and related sources together, linked with each other through high-links and addresses of the Internet. Otherwise, the global network one of the services that can be accessed through the Internet, like e-mail, file sharing and others.
Programs that can access web resources called the User Agent. In the normal case, web browsers such as Internet Explorer or Firefox to access the web pages and enables the user to roam from page to page through hyperlinks. Web page can contain almost a combination of computer data, including photographs, graphics, audio, text, video, multimedia and interactive content including games and more.
[Edit] remote access
Internet allows computer users to communicate with other computers and servers information easily, regardless of their position in the world. This process is known to enter tele. Can be done without the use of technology protection or encryption or authentication. This encourages new types of domestic work, and information sharing in many industries and the easiest way in the world in terms of type
Cons of the Internet

There are several disadvantages of the Internet, including: 1 - piracy and break some sites, electronic control and disable them. 2 - Use of children's Internet sites and especially at risk of harassment by some patients. 3 - to sit long on the computer screen has some damage to health, such as: helping to increase the weight, and low vision. 4 - Use of the Internet reduces a lot of times people spend socializing with family and friends and family.
عضو مساهم
عضو مساهم

عدد المساهمات : 54
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/11/2011
العمر : 34
الموقع : الجلفة


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